How to Deal with Stress as a Mom

Stress can sometimes overwhelm us, here are some great ways to battle that stress.

By Kristen Winiarski



It is no secret that moms are overworked, burned out, and stressed out. With all our responsibilities and lack of sleep, it can be hard to deal with stress. Add kids fighting or not listening, and it can be hard to come out of it.

I recently learned that my cortisol spikes in the morning more than other people, so actively monitoring my stress is essential. Am I perfect at it? No. Do I still get worked up? Sure. But with the following, I gain some control back so I can help myself and my kids.

Step outside

Getting some fresh air and taking a few deep breaths helps me when stressed out. It also gives me a second to calm down away from my kids before going back in and comforting them. If you have small kids, you can still do this. Just make sure they’re contained in a safe place first.


Getting hangry is a huge problem for me. Making sure I eat at regular intervals helps keep my mood more stable. Believe me, everything seems worse when you’re hungry (or tired, for that matter).

Get enough rest

Branching off the last one, sleep is also really important to give yourself a break and a chance to recharge. Some nights, I work, and others, I go to bed early, depending on how much rest I’ve been getting.

Work out in the mornings

I get stir-crazy, and with my increased cortisol, I tend to get cranky in the morning. I’ve noticed that if I work out early, that it helps by helping me feel accomplished and get some of those endorphins.

Go for walks as a family

Another thing we do in the mornings when the weather is nice, is go for walks. This gets all of us up and moving while getting out of the house.

Wait until mid-morning to have coffee

When I found out my cortisol was higher than usual, a dietician recommended that I wait to have coffee. She likened having it to throwing fuel on the fire.

Do yoga or fit in alone time

This alone time can be hard to come by, but by prioritizing getting some alone time can do a lot for your brain.

Find a hobby

Finding something you enjoy outside of being a mom, can help your brain. Having a separate goal gives you something all your own.

Talk to someone

Everyone needs to vent. Whether it’s your partner, friend, your mom, or a therapist, talking things out helps you feel better and can relieve some of that stress you’re feeling.

Other moms can also be great to help you feel not alone and understand what you’re going through.

Ask for help

As moms, we are notorious for trying to do it all. Sometimes we need some help. It’s okay to ask those around you to help if you find that you’re very stressed out.

Stressing out happens to everyone, but by knowing your triggers and how to deal with them, you can help keep your cool. Find what helps you and lean into that to help get through it.


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