What age do you recommend kids taking a multi-vitamin? Are the gummy vitamins ok? Do they need any additional supplements?
Children under one, who are exclusively breastfed or are receiving a majority of breast milk should take a vitamin D supplement. Many premature babies will also need a boost of iron in their first year of life, and term babies over 4 mo of age can benefit from an iron boost as well since all of the maternal red blood cells that were transferred from utero to baby have since died off within the baby’s bloodstream. Most children, even our most persnickety eaters, receive enough vitamins and minerals from naturally derived sources within their diets. Those who are vegan, however, need to be cautious of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency, which are two vitamins crucial for neurodevelopment. I would use caution with a gummy vitamin, as the sugars are more likely to adhere to teeth and lead to cavities; it is important to brush teeth well immediately after taking.